While on the bus a month ago, I thought it would be cool to keep a written blog of my experiences while completing my masters. This would be an on-going “series” of posts that would share what I’m working on, any tools I’m using, my workflow, organization system or anything of the sort. I’d like to make a post every few weeks (but let’s see if that happens).

Current Plan

I don’t start it until January so this plan is completely based on speaking to other grad students and reading online.

My plan for the first term is to meet with my supervisor to figure out my scope of my thesis. I have 2 courses to complete and I plan to have my literature review done by the middle of the summer.

Current Tools:

  • Zotera - This will be my citation manager to track research papers I am reading
  • Obsidian - my text editior to track my notes. I will use graph view and linked pages to connect ideas together
  • OneNote - to annotate papers that I’m reading
  • Latex - markdown language to write my thesis